These companies basically purchase materials from suppliers and prepackage the materials for a cabin. The suppliers have a mark up from the manufacturer’s price that gets passed on. The cabin company then makes their profit by marking up the material, sometimes by 50% or more. Handling and rehandling also pushes the price up. Add in a salesmen’s commission , advertising and promotions costs that can easily represent 15% of the final price and you are now paying more than two or three times the original cost of the material.
At Acadian Log Homes we are the manufacturer. Our primary source of profit is from the sale of our log products. We are in direct control of our product right from the very start, literally. We are responsible for the replanting of the trees that we harvest from our crown timber quota. The logs are either handcrafted or machined at our log yard. We then we do what we do best, we prefit your log package and deliver it to you. We arrange for the remainder of the material package to be delivered by a local supplier. There is no middle men, you directly with us.
Most people opt to have us erect the log walls. This is what we specialize in. With our boom truck we put most cabin and many home log wall packages up in a day. At this point a framing carpenter or a homeowner and some handy friends or family members can take over without any specialized skills or tools.
During the design stage we will determine what suits you and works best for your site. Many cabins are built on steel screw piles and it is very quick way to get going. We have also designed a few cabins that were built on heated concrete slabs. This provided grade level access for elderly or handicapped clients.
Full walkout basements or concrete crawl spaces are also good options.
We do our own design and drafting so it is quite probable that we can make it work. Most cabins start with a plan and changes are made to suit you.
- Custom plans.
- Main floor and loft floor systems.
- Log walls, with your choice of 10 to 14 inch logs.
- Windows and exterior doors.
- Roof system designed for R40 (insulation not included) and coloured metal roofing.
Because every cabin is as unique as you are we can only offer some sample pricing. Generally speaking smaller cabins are more expensive per square foot.